Confirm Flight
Departure Time
01/01/1970 (Thu)
Name: Helicopter Tour - Private
SKU: helicopter1
Price: $668.00
Contact Name:
Passenger QTY
Ticket Type
Ticket Shipping
Quantity: 1 Flight
***Tour Flights are only valid for 6 months from the date of purchase! The flight has to be scheduled and flown regardless of cancellations before the end of 6 months from the date of purchase.
***Tour Flight are NON-Refundable unless you select refundable option above. In the event that you the customer requests a refund for the tour flight, the extra refund fee charged will not be refunded.
***Tour Flights can be rescheduled anytime unless you attempt to reschedule within 48 hours of your selected flight.
***U.S. State I.D. or Passport is required before the flight.